Get Your Energy Levels Up!
Even after a restful Christmas holiday, the Winter season can leave one feeling a little lack lustre and low on energy. To some extent, this can be counter-acted via good sleep, good nutrition and regular exercise (three things most people do not get enough of).
Without the right input, your body will find it more difficult to keep viruses such as colds and flu, at bay. So here is a smoothie type drink recipe that can help keep your nutrition and energy levels boosted, which in turn, will help your body stave off colds and viruses;
You will need the following ingredients:
4 Carrots
2 Apples
10 Grams of fresh ginger (or more if you are brave)
1 Stalk of celery
1 Teaspoon of honey (again, vary to taste)
This will produce a tasty smoothie that has a high vitamin and mineral content so is a great immune system booster. The ginger content adds a unique savory element to the blend but is also known to have several health benefits including: reducing symptoms of nausea, helping with digestive irregularities, reducing joint pain associated with arthritis, general reduction of inflammation and swelling. There have been some studies carried out that suggest ginger is beneficial to cardiovascular health and can lower the risk of blood clotting.
Purchasing a decent quality juicer is also recommended as this makes the extracting process much easier and better quality juicers can extract more of the goodness from the fruit or vegetables you are trying top extract (although do not get too caught up on this as any juicer is better than no juicer at all).
All fresh smoothies should be consumed within 48 hours as oxidisation will break down many vitamins and minerals.
Have have healthy and prosperous New Year!
The Bushgear Team
Photo:By Vanessa p. from near Savannah, GA - Strawberry Lemon Smoothie, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39796298