Survival Advantage by Andrew Lane
Exclusive to Bushgear!
Survival foods and techniques for the North-West European environment to give the book its full title. It is a comprehensive field guide to wilderness and urban survival. Dealing with everything from survival foods and techniques to first aid, shelter and navigation.
This lesser known title by Andrew Lane is considered by many experts as a hidden gem of survival information. Written in an easy to understand format with hundreds of custom illustrations, this is the ultimate guide to temperate climate survival.
Written by Andrew Lane (a former UK military specialist) as a field guide for military personnel, for cold weather survival. A unique take, the book covers many aspects of wilderness survival and includes lots of illustrative drawings which help grasp the concepts being demonstrated. A well written and good read for anyone interested in spending time in the wilderness.
We have managed to source a very limited number of signed copies of this rare, now out of print release.
Printed on special water resistant paper that will not disintegrate or crinkle when exposed to moisture. It also features a waterproof cover. Designed to fit in a large cargo pocket or backpack.
This is the classic "Cold War" manual, written by a cold war soldier who was part of the deterrent to Soviet invasion on the "Northern Flank" (Arctic Norway). Amongst many other things, Andrew Lane was a front line Mountain and Arctic Warfare soldier trained by the Royal Marines.
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